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A Star Wars Photoshoot

Writer's picture: Christina ZapataChristina Zapata

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...well, maybe not too long ago and not too far away ;) Last weekend, I got the honor of heading back up to Kansas City to see a family that I’ve had the pleasure of capturing memories of for the past couple of years. October is a special time. The leaves start to change and, sometimes, I think it starts getting people to reflect on the changes that have happened throughout the year. As we all know, this year has changed all of our lives.

The day of the shoot, the sky was coated in a thick layer of clouds and a chilly breeze moved through the air. You could feel a hint of winter. The minute I drove up, Emersyn and Brooklyn bounced down the driveway. Emersyn was sporting Yoda and Brooklyn a BB8 t-shirt. Three guesses what their theme was this year?...You guessed wars :D One thing I love about this family is that they are not afraid to have a little fun with photos. To finish off their ensemble, a plush version of Baby Yoda and BB8.

Emersyn and Brooklyn live in the most beautiful neighborhood. The kind of neighborhood that you'd drive through and think, I could stay here for the rest of my life. People out walking, kids riding their bikes, and rolling hills make up some of the most picturesque views. Their parents, Sarah and Chris, and grandmother quickly joined us outside and we were ready. We hopped in our cars and took off to the best walking spot in the neighborhood. Their walking trail surrounds the neighborhood pond with bridges and water features. A cloudy day made conditions perfect for shooting next to water, and we took full advantage! While Emersyn was sitting next to the waterfall she said with a big smile “`You remember when you took my photo next to the waterfall and I almost fell in?” I thought, what a memory! I took her photo a couple years ago next to a waterfall and that memory has stuck with her.

A secret from behind the was a little windy. Take a closer look and check out Sarah’s shirt… “Messy Hair, Don’t Care.” When the wind would come in, everyone's hair would fly! I’ve got to give Sarah credit for catching that coincidence!! I think Chewie was trying to give us a warning from above that conditions might be slightly blustery. But we made the most of it :D Brooklyn thought it was the best thing ever. She would giggle and laugh every time I went to try to re-position some of her hair that may have been moved out of place. “Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is” - Yoda

You may have noticed that Baby Yoda and BB8 did become stars of the show every now and again. They were certainly troopers. Near the end, I took one final photo of them. Laying down on my stomach and I heard Chris say, “That's how I took one of my photos!” Chirs later showed me the photo he took with his phone. He nailed composition and lighting! For anyone who likes to take photos of objects, the best way to do it is to get down on its level. But don’t take my word for it, go try it out! :)

Buescher Family, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to capture memories of your family this year. I am so blessed to be able to watch your family grow. It is the best part about being a photographer. I hope you cherish these memories for years to come.



Springfield, MO

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