A Rainy Spring Session on Campus

Temperatures plummeted into the 50s overnight. Clouds filled the sky. The day was filled with periodic rain storms. Keegan and A'ndrea originally requested the Japanese Stroll Gardens, but due to the forecast, we changed plans. Missouri State University was chosen due to their large building with overhangs. If the rain got heavy, we could seek refuge. Arriving an hour earlier than planned, just in case, we could not have been luckier! Most of the time there was mist, but even that disappeared frequently.
We met at the fountain and instantly chatted about the parking situation. I explained that I had been here for a while, but got paranoid about the parking lots and went to find metered parking. Apparently we were all on the same page because Keegan had sought out the meters too. 😉 Unbeknown to all of us, we had parked right next to each other. 😂 If I hadn't been indecisive, we probably could have walked to the fountain together. The first few pictures I took of them, I was blown away with how beautiful A'ndrea's smile was! She responded by saying what a good job Tabitha did on her makeup. I knew A'ndrea was getting her makeup done, but I didn't realize Tabitha was doing it!! Tabitha holds a special place in my memory because she did my wedding makeup. Not only that, but she is extraordinarily talented and knows how to bring out your best features.

The time flew by. It felt like I was chatting with friends I hadn't seen in forever! A'ndrea has only lived here for about two years. She is originally from Wisconsin!! Shoutout to one of my good photographer friends Taylor, located in Milwaukee, who I've gotten to shoot weddings with. It's all thanks to Taylor that I could relate with A'ndrea on the unreal level of mosquitos in her home state 😂. As well as the extraordinarily long drive from Springfield to areas in Wisconsin. 9+ hours of looking at farm fields and trees is something you don't forget 🤣. Poor Keegan related to this one more than anything as he had done the drive waaayyy more times than I probably ever will.
Keegan is from this area and completed his schooling at CofO. Following graduation, he started working for Walmart and has traveled all over. He joked that if you see layout changes, he's typically the one behind it 😂. We chatted for a while about the changes to the checkout areas. I explained that they had moved to a good self check out system last year with large areas to bag your groceries and then for some reason changed in back to the smaller stations. We both are secretly hoping that the large ones come back 🤞. I don't know how much longer I can pack a full cart of groceries in a tiny area anymore 🤣.
After walking two large loops around the campus, mainly in search of flowers that featured Andrea and Keegan's wedding colors. Keegan spotted three orange flowers that we were able to use for a ring shot!!! Their wedding colors will be orange with some maroon/burgundy. Which will be beautiful for the start of fall. I can't wait!

Keegan + A'ndrea
P.S. For those of you who know me, you know that I love dogs. So much that my own dog has his own instagram 😂. Keegan, I know you love dogs too. That Corgi that appeared during our session might have been a sign.