Home is Where the Heart Is

Mary and Hank recently moved into their dream home and requested that we do their engagement photos on their property. The drive in consisted of winding country roads lined of trees with colors of yellow, orange, and red. The sun was shining. It was a warm fall day. Their home was a photographers dream. A private water fall, forestry, hills, and open fields. All made for beautiful backdrops.
Prior to starting the session, we gathered around their kitchen counter. Mary had made some last minute outfit changes and the final decision was which hat to wear. 😁 Unanimously, we all decided the light grey hat over black. Out of their three children, Cam, the youngest, felt most strongly about this decision and I trusted his judgement 😉. Also props to Cam for helping push us to do photos in front of the waterfall, I think I need you as my assistant!!
Heading outside, we started with family photos. Eventually, thinking we were done, I announced that the kids were free. Jaylee and Cam headed slowly back into the house, while Jud dashed inside. Underestimating how fast Jud moved. Mary asked if I would take a cell phone photo of the family before the kids changed clothes. She hurried inside the house to grab Jud, upon returning outside explained that it might be a minute. 😂 Jud had managed to change clothes and get back on his xbox. You guys, I wish you were there because he seriously moved so fast I have no idea how he did it!!!! I don't even think I could have moved that fast. Jud, I need you to teach me your secret!! I think I'm still on preschool time from my days as a speech-language pathologist. I've got to learn to move faster. 😂

Mary and Hank are just the sweetest!!!! I immediately picked up on how photogenic they were together. Mary had an infectious smile. I know it was a weird compliment to give, but you two are amazing at smiling. 😄 If that compliment came out awkward. I apologize. I'll blame it on my preschool days again 😂.
Not only are Mary and Hank sweet together, their personalities truly blend. Hank was quick witted and comical, and Mary immediately gave come back re-marks. I only wish that I could have that skill. Hank, I'm still thinking of come backs to some of the conversations we had and I can't come up with anything good. I need you to teach me your ways. Or I may be a lost cause, that's possible too 😂.
As the sun set approached, Mary suggested that we head to her parents estate where they would be getting married. Up for an adventure, we hopped in our cars and drove over. I was blown away. Her parents house was GORGEOUS and if I didn't know better, could truly be a wedding venue. Even though it wasn't their wedding day yet, I pictured Mary and Hank standing in the circle drive in front of the fountain with the beautiful house in the back ground. Mary showed me the spot where they would be having the ceremony and how she would walk down the aisle. Seriously crossing my fingers for good weather because we have to make this happen.
The skies turned bright orange and we headed into the fields surrounding her parents estate. If you know anything about me, this is my favorite!!! Sunsets just make everything so magical 😍. This is where I also got one of my favorite ring shots to date, I mean...scroll down to the epic fall leaves with Mary's ring. I feel like it should go in a magazine! As the sun departed the horizon, we ended the session with some photos in front of her parent's estate. Including the inflatable turkey which may or may not be in the wedding photos 😉. Then chatted for a good while about all things business and photography. Mary, once I have that studio someday. You'll be first to know. 😁

Mary and Hank